Zahara and Erin


Atlanta, GA

“Transilient: What do y'all do when you hang out?

Erin: (laughing) TRANScending Barriers..

Zahara: (laughing) Yes, lately we work a lot on our nonprofit when we are together.

Erin: Well, ok, we also watch Game of Thrones. I had never read the books, and I was at Walgreens one day and a girl came in wearing a Game of Thrones shirt and I was like, “Is that a good show? What is it even about?”... She was like, “It is AMAZING! Just watch the first two episodes.” So I did, and I was hooked in the middle of the first episode. I mean... John Snow! I binged watched all five seasons in like 2 or 3 weeks. I just slept, went to work, and watched Game of Thrones. When someone would text me, I’d be annoyed and like, “Ah. I got to rewind it!”

Zahara: When she and I lived together she told me I had to watch it. I was not into fantasy at all. I was like, “Dragons!? Girl, I am not into dragons!”

Erin: I told her just watch the first two episodes! I remember I came home from work one day and she was like, “Oh my god! I am on Episode 5! This show is great.”

Zahara: I think I am more obsessed with Game of Thrones than she is now!

Erin: Now we re-enact little scenes, quote lines from the show, and make sure to never miss an episode.”

Please check out TRANScending Barriers Atlanta, the group Zahara and Erin founded together: