Terra Ammon


Asheville, NC

TERRA : “ I’ve always been able to pick up anything like biking or skateboarding, I tried to unicycle for a while, which is really hard, and I can kind of do it. I learned to ride a bike without the training wheels when I was three. I remember, it was right after hurricane Fran. It hit this area pretty hard and there were all these piles of knocked down trees in the street. I just remember riding up and down the street and my dad let me go and I drove right into a pile of trees!


I love riding bikes. I’ve graduated to a motorcycle, it’s a Suzuki.. (smiles)…it’s pretty cool. I’m kind of an adrenaline sort of person I like going fast.”


Transilient: Will you describe your personal style? Because I love it!


“Oh I don’t even know, this is all new, somewhat new, ..it’s not really new (laughs) …ok…do you know the movie The Princess Diaries? Do you know Mia’s best friend Lilly Moscovitz? That’s like kind of what I’m going for. She’s the one who has a television show and does the news. It’s like my favorite movie, I got inspired by her hair in that movie to do this (gestures at her barrettes). My hair is at this really weird stage where it’s kind of like a big ball on my head if I don’t do anything…so yeah…I’ve been doing it every day and I really really like it, I just think it’s fun. ”